Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Pennsylvania Primary Live Blog

We first tried live-blogging back on Super Tuesday and it was pretty fun (we also got a "Mirth and Matter" record high number of hits), so we thought we'd give it another spin. Amazingly, two and a half months after the near-national primary, the Democrats are still slamming it out for the nomination. Drop by the comment board if you have any observations about the race, the media's coverage, or whatever else pops into mind. I'll be updating the results in the main body of the post periodically.

Happy live-blogging!

8:57: Clinton 53% Obama 47%
6% reporting and the networks have called it for CLINTON.


Zach Wallmark said...

I heard on the radio earlier today that 160,000 PA Republicans switched parties over the last month. How are these turncoats going to behave as a group? Is this another attempt by Republicans to get the least-electable Dem nominated by the party? Of course, it could also just be that a lot of Republicans are upset with Bush. In any event, let's keep an eye on this group.

Zach Wallmark said...

Question: is there anything left at this point in the race besides the horse race? Earlier on, we were trying to focus on issues, distinctions, etc., but at this point, everyone knows Obama and Clinton. Is this just going to be a big numbers game?

Zach Wallmark said...

Random thought: how well would Clinton be doing in this race if she were a man? With a similar personal style, policy positions, and history, I don't know if Clinton would really inspire too many people if she were a man. Maybe that's not PC to say, but a big part of her appeal is the newness of having a woman presidential candidate. All the middle-aged to elderly women who are her stalwart supporters are voting, in my opinion and according to polls, to a large extent on the historical possibility of a woman president.

Ruxton Schuh said...

I'm hoping underground media outlets are drawing enough of a correlation between the Iraq War, our economic downturn, and the promise of further ruin posed by John McCain. Honestly though, I doubt it. Far too many Americans are, as Barack correctly said, a bunch of ignorant, gun-toting evangelicals that are looking for a fight. Like you said, they could be switching in earnest because of their disappointment in the Republican party, however I see it as a completely desperate and, juvenile attempt to silence the Democratic party's positive discourse. The fact that people are fighting over Hillary and Obama, while stressful, is healthy. It's going to hone each candidate into a stronger contender for the White House (see? contender. Even I can't escape the correlations of sports/battle in politics). I think a lot of Republicans are probably disappointed that their race has already been decided and this is an easy way to feel like they're doing their part. That and they're hailing to the call of Der Furor, Rush Limbaugh, who has been asking Republicans to switch party affiliation to sabotage the Democratic party. As I said, I think it's an insult to discourse by ignorant people.

Read: go pop some pills, Rush, and put the other half of your brain back. The Howard Stern school of radio DJing does not constitute intelligence.