Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Dr. Chonga?

In Miami, a special word has been coined for a certain type of girl, that word being "chonga." If you are not aware of what a chonga is, I would suggest that you check out the youtube video chongalicious for a good laugh. I teach many self-described chongas in my English class.

Here is a sample of two journal entries from one chonga. The journal entries here are in order of when they were written and the author is the same for both. All grammatical and spelling errors have not been corrected.

My Spring Break

"Well on spring break the very first day I went to the fair when it first opened. I went with all my friends but I didnt get on the rides I just went to chill and talk and pick on people (LOL) just kidding! Well I almost got in a fight with a girl I have beef with for a looong time, so I saw her there, and I tried her nasty so we can fight but the b**** didn't wanna fight me so I just gave up."

Here is her journal entry the day after the My Spring Break entry:

Studying After High School

"After High School I plan on going to college and study medicine. Right now am not sure what am gonna be doing. But right now my interest is medicine, but I might change my mind!"

Paging Dr. Chonga . . .

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