Music: Zach, Chris, BoxofPants
Lyrics: Blue-Eyed Wonder, Ruxton, Mark Samples.
If this is incorrect, or if you have lost interest, let me know. Once we have confirmations, I'll randomly match up the names and we'll proceed. As soon as the lyricists finish their half, send them my way and I'll coordinate with the composers.
In the meantime, happy writing!
I have three tunes bouncing around my workdesk these days, one fast and peppy, one slow and kind of melancholy, and one in between. Will send the lyric writer a sketch recording with proposed vocal line.
I'm still in.
Ok, after following the super-scientific method of writing everyone's name on a slip of paper and pulling them from their respective bowls, I came up with the following list:
Zach - Blue Eyed Wonder
Chris - Mark Samples
Box of Pants - Ruxton
I realized, of course, that BoxofPants hasn't confirmed, so if you are out there . . .
Anyways, email your lyrics to your composer when you finish, and then as the songs get done we'll post the finished tracks. Thanks again for your participation!
i'm in and i stopped being boxofpants quite some time ago
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