Monday, January 28, 2008

re: Science Songs

As much as I'm a fan of carbohydrates (being a vegan with soy sensitivity hampers your direct protein consumption), I thought I'd share this with everyone. This is an excerpt from a video of a Karlheinz Stockhausen lecture on electronic music. It's an absolutely beautiful lecture and I feel has concepts that any musicians can learn from. Or any thinking mind, for that matter. Watching this makes me lust over being his student.


Zach Wallmark said...

What a searcher. RIP, Karlheinz.

Ruxton Schuh said...

Was that said in admiration or disdain? I mean, if "searcher" is some British slang I'm not hip to.

Zach Wallmark said...

Admiration of course. Stockhausen opened up so many doors for all of us, which you know much better than I. I admire so much the way he blurred the conceptual line between music and the exterior world. His pieces, to me, have a sense of magical surprise; he lets you listen with the ears of a child.